Wish that I could come up with some jazz in that freaky head of mine :> Loved the flute, and the whole song is relaxing and chilllll :P
Wish that I could come up with some jazz in that freaky head of mine :> Loved the flute, and the whole song is relaxing and chilllll :P
Soothing :>
Great work guys :> Could listen to this for hours ^^ Personally I didn't enjoy the drop at 00:08 but it serves it purpose , Felt like it took over too much that It almost sounded flat .<
Woah, Bouncy....!
Nice stuff ! The DKC series really has some amazing tunes :D Didn't really remind me of it so I think you pulled it off great creating something "original?" and good sounding :> Great job man, ( also what program are you moving on to?)
Great tune man ^^ Really loved the part that came in at 1:22!
Why thank you! :D
Nice ;D
I think you pops would be proud :D Great job man!
thanks Kaggen. :) I know he would've been. My melodies always had him bobbin' his head and tappin' his foot. :)
Great tribute man, will be humming on this for quite some time :D
Now I feel like murdering people :D Heh great track man, intense JUST AS I LIKE IT!
Woah really fits the title :D
Amazing work man, really liked the screamy lead/ bg pad that came in at 1;35 or so ^^ Great work man, I will be looking forward to listening to this on my few days off :D Thanks for making my day dude !
Funky indeed! I love the melody :> My only complaint is that it could use a bit more variation, like another instrument coming in or something Great work man keep on making these, I'm loving them ^^
ya, couple people aren't liking the extended lead melody. but damn em, damn em all! ;) noted, I'll try not to be so overzealous with the riff next time. :D thanks for the review, man. :)
Ehrahg... I want to like it BUT
The deep pulse background thingy commin in 00:35 is way to loud or interferes with something, other than that a really nice tune ! Tip = use non shitty speakers next time :D
I'm glad you could enjoy it
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